jquery backwards compatibility

jquery backwards compatibility

Hi I just started working with jQuery at the company I work for. I turns out out software is using version 1.6.3. which is 4-5 years old... I'm looking

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seamonkey為一套網頁瀏覽器軟體,此軟體採用先進的電子郵件,並可隨時隨地輕輕鬆鬆的來編輯HTML,軟體的期望就是讓使用者都可以方便的來瀏覽網頁。 開啟電子郵件時,會在新的分頁開啟,讓您閱讀較有規律。 ...

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  • If you have been using jQuery 1.3 and now plan to upgrade to the latest version jQuery1.4,...
    Backward Compatibility Plug-in for jQuery 1.3
  • Hi I just started working with jQuery at the company I work for. I turns out out software ...
    Backwards compatibility - jQuery Forum
  • Any problem with jQuery in the above browsers should be reported as a bug in jQuery. (Curr...
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  • jQuery 3.0 is now released! This version has been in the works since October 2014. We set ...
    Category Archives: jQuery - Official jQuery Blog | New Wave ...
  • We have had issues with Mootools not being very backward compatible specifically in the ar...
    javascript - How good is jQuery's support for backwards ...
  • I am trying to use a jQuery plugin on my site which uses jQuery 1.6.2. When I change the j...
    jQuery 1.9 backward compatibility issue? - Stack Overflow ...
  • You asked for it, you got it: jQuery 2.0 has arrived! As promised, this version leaves beh...
    jQuery 2.0 Released | Official jQuery Blog
  • The other day, I was helping Jim (jtandrew on Codeplex) with an issue he was having with S...
    jQuery and Backward Compatibility | Marc D Anderson's ...
  • Hi, I am planing to use jQuery latest version 1.4.2 but some of my project code was writte...
    jQuery backward compatibility - jQuery Forum
  • I think you've hit on it, to some degree. One major feature of Javascript frameworks (...
    jQuery: How is backwards compatibility...(2011) - Quora ...